
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
– Stephen King

Developing a reading habit is tough. Even if one wants to do so badly, it’s hard to find which book to start with. So here are the 10 easy yet interesting read for the beginners. These books are from all across the genres to help you find whatever appeals to you.

Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen

Genre : Romance Novel, Satire

Well, I know, people thinks it’s a clique. But trust me it is one of the best books of all time. The Victorian setting, language and of course Mr. Darcy will make you cherish this book forever.


The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – Agatha Christie

Genre : Murder Mystery, detective novel

If you are into murder mystery, here’s the one where you should start from. Agatha Christie’s language is easy to follow and you won’t be disappointed at the end. You can also go ahead and read The murder on Orient Express and Then there were none.


Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown

Genre : Mystery thriller

One of the best thriller novel (and also controversial), Dan Brown will show you the same world with completely different perspective. If you like thriller and you are fascinated by history, this one is definitely for you.


Harry Potter – J.K. Rowling

Genre : Fantasy

I know I know, everyone has watched the movies and hardcore fans have already read the books. But if you haven’t, let me tell you one thing, you just scratched the surface of JK Rowling’s genius. My friend who moderately liked Harry potter series, fell in love after she read the books. You can start with The Philosophers Stone and decide whether you want to read rest or not. Well you will though, trust me.


A Streetcar named Desire –  Tennessee Williams

Genre : Southern Gothic, Tragic

One of the most beautiful tragic play of 20th century. This might not be the easiest read but if you are into tragic plays, this is the one you should start from. This play will appeal to your heart. Just a little warning that this play is pretty intense but yet so worth reading. You will hear the eerie silence.


Great Expectations – Charles Dickens

Genre : Bildungsroman, Graphic novel, Social criticism

The most famous coming-of-the-age novel, Charles Dickens is known for children’s novel. But let me tell you, his novels are not just children’s novel but much more complex and with internal chaos which every person feels.


The Shining – Stephen King

Genre : Psychological horror

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” well we don’t want to be dull boy, right. If you are into horror genre, then look no further.


The Diary of a young girl – Anne Frank

Genre : Autobiography

Reading an autobiography could be a little tough, but under this autobiography lies a deep and heart wrenching truth about the life and hardships people faced during the holocaust. And somehow will teach you how to be best at the worst of the situations.


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